Metaratings: Зарплата Жедсона Фернандеша в “Спартаке” не превысит потолок – 2,5 млн евро в год – Футбол России

- Metaratings: salary of Gedson Fernandes at “Spartak” will not exceed the ceiling – 2.5 million euros per year Football of Russia
- “Spartak” has convinced Gedson Fernandes to join the team, the final decision will be made by the president of “Besiktas” — media reports Match TV
- “Besiktas” player Gedson Fernandes has agreed to transfer to “Spartak” – sports news online in Russia and the world
- Agent Barbosa: Fernandes is a top player, the club that signs him will hit the jackpot in the RPL Betting Ratings
- “Spartak” will pay € 25 million for Gedson, Zinkovsky – in Samara. Transfers and rumors February 15